English should be the only language around the world

While I like the idea of making English the only language around the world, I find the comments in this NPR article despicable: http://www.npr.org/2011/10/12/141232534/immigrant-parents-rely-on-kids-for-help-online I am extremely offended that so many commenters are implying that immigrants should learn “english” because not doing so makes you stupid, lazy, and illegitimate. As an immigrant myself, and someone… Continue reading English should be the only language around the world

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X Factor mansion

As I watch X Factor “mansion week”, in the backdrop of all these Occupy Wall Street activities, it makes me laugh thinking about how wealth is such a perverse quality of our world. The stunning X Factor mansion, with its crystal blue pool, precision trimmed grass blades, and elegantly designed landscaping, sits atop a hill… Continue reading X Factor mansion

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Vitriol this, vitriol that

Has anyone else noticed that the word “vitriol” is being used EVERYWHERE? In newspapers, blogs, forums, videos, interviews, etc… If there was such a thing as a “played out” word, “vitriol” would be it. I am not sure exactly when “vitriol” became so popular, but I am pretty sure it started with Obama using it… Continue reading Vitriol this, vitriol that

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Roofing Roofers Davis, CA

All the roofing companies around Davis, CA must be rolling in piles and piles of money, because I have called almost everyone I can find and they are all busy or will never return my call. Even the ones that do pick up and schedule a time to come see my house, end up not… Continue reading Roofing Roofers Davis, CA

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Vietnam 2011

Before I forget, I want to jot down my experience visiting Vietnam for 3 weeks. To dissolve my reputation as a negative person, I will start this by listing four positive impressions I had of Vietnam: Halong Bay is easily one of the most beautiful places I have ever been to. The shrub covered rocks… Continue reading Vietnam 2011

Land of milk and honey

Ten years after the Bush tax cuts, America is in a “Great Recession”. Yet the Republican Party continues to support policies that puts all the economic burdens on the backs of the poor. What’s worst, every year the cost of tuitions rises, and there is a war against public education. We will be left with… Continue reading Land of milk and honey


I was passively listening to a story on NPR about Nootkatone and its amazing use as mosquito repellent. I quickly jumped on Namecheap to try and register the domain name. To my surprise, a bunch of other people, apparently also listening to NPR, had just registered the domain name with in seconds of me having… Continue reading Nootkatone

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