USPS – United States Postal Service – head and shoulder above the rest!
I used to be a powerseller on ebay, so I shipped a lot of boxes, and trust me, Priority Mail from the USPS is the BEST. Here’s why.
1) Fastest shipping company – Priority Mail is 2-3 days. UPS and Fedex takes forever. Nothing pisses off a customer more than waiting for a package. Who doesn’t want their product right away?
2) Free Packing Supplies – Priority Mail gives you FREE packing boxes at the counter that are pre-glued. Just ask the clerk. This is incredibly convenient and actually helps you save shipping cost. Also, when you are at the post office, there is plenty of paper in the recycling bin you can use as padding for your package.
3) Flat Fee Rates – If you use a Free Priority Mail box, you get a charged a flat fee. This is usually cheaper than all other competitor. If you include the cost of the free box, you are paying significantly less than UPS, Fedex, and DHL. Even if you use your own box, the rate you pay for 2-3 days delivery is very reasonable for this awesome service.
4) Online Access – You can do everything online, and have the mail man pick up your package. It’s pretty amazing. You don’t even have to leave your house to ship your item!
So the next time you are going to ship a package, consider using USPS. Even if you could save a couple of dollars upfront by going with a competitor, I wouldn’t recommend it. The USPS is significantly faster and that really makes the receiver feel better.
Why am I writing all this nonsense? Because I am sick of waiting a week for stupid UPS packages that cannot even deliver to my PO BOX. Use USPS!!!