When people say things like, “Not a day goes by when I don’t think about [him/her]”, I have always thought that they are exaggerating. However, lately I am starting to believe that it is possible.
Although I don’t think about my dad everyday, I do remember him more frequently than I expected.
And one of the most bitter sweet thing about this whole experience is his physical manifestation in my life even now.
You see, my dad was a freak about heaters. He gets cold easily, and blamed being cold for almost every disease known to man. So not surprisingly he had a huge collection of portable heaters. One of his most recent and favorite acquisition was an oil heater. After seeing it at someone’s house, he searched high and low for one bought it.
When we were cleaning out his things, I took the oil heater back home with me because Uyen was also someone who always gets cold. Needless to say, the heater has become one of our most treasured item through this abnormally cold winter. It is an irreplaceable part of our room that keeps us warm through the bitter cold nights.
It’s kind of funny because every time I look at it now, it reminds me of my dad. I can’t help but think that even now, he has a presence in my life, keeping me and my fiancee safe and warm.