How To: iPhone iOS 4 Tethering Free

Here are a couple of simple steps to take your iPhone running iOS 4.0.1 to tether for free.

  1. While this still works, visit: on your iPhone. Follow the instructions and jailbreak your iPhone
  2. Once your phone has been jailbroken, open the “Cydia” app and search for “ultrasnow”. Install the ultrasnow app, which will unlock your iPhone.
  3. Also in Cydia look for “MyWi” and install “MyWi 4.0” – Sign up for MyWi, which will give you a 9 day free trial. MyWi will also install Rock app – ignore it for now. Note: Installing MyWi will reboot/crash a couple times — don’t panic, that’s just how it is.
  4. Go back in Cydia –> manage –> packages –> MyWi and “remove” it.
  5. Once MyWi is removed, go Cydia –> manage -> sources –> edit –> add and enter ‘’
  6. Now search for “MyWi’ again, but this time, find the one that comes from ‘elpelle6’ and install that
  7. Once MyWi – elpelle6 version has been installed, go back in Cydia and remove Rock App, the same way you removed MyWi earlier.
  8. Hard Reboot your iPhone by holding down the button top of the iphone
  9. You now have MyWi 4 – which you can use to create wireless connection to your computer for free internet tethering.