Google Imageless Buttons

This morning I noticed something new in my gmail — a perculiar looking button style. From what I can tell, Google has decided to abandon the browser default buttons and build their own button using DIVs. The DIVs are layered like matryoshka dolls, complete with hover and on key down effects. Surprisingly to me, they… Continue reading Google Imageless Buttons

Categorized as Technology

Rails new vs build

@article = Creates a new instance of a Model. @comment = Just like the new method, but by assocation proxies (not for Models). It automatically sets the foreign_key. The other thing is that when you are doing a “has_one” the build looks like this: @comment = @article.build_comments I am writing this posts because… Continue reading Rails new vs build

Categorized as Technology

NPR on the HTC Touch Pro

To get the NPR – KQED radio stream to work with my HTC Touch Pro, I had to down the CorePlayer. Then from the KQED website, I download the MP3 stream, which is a .pls file. Open the file in CorePlayer and wahla, streaming NPR radio on the HTC Touch Pro. It took me a… Continue reading NPR on the HTC Touch Pro

Categorized as Technology

Firefox Input Background Image

Has anyone noticed this? When you put a background-image into an input field in Firefox Mac/Win, the input borders get distorted (it’s darker…) I don’t have a fix for it, actually, I am not even sure it’s broken. Also, the blue highlight the input field gets when it is in focus, does not appear when… Continue reading Firefox Input Background Image

Categorized as Technology

IE z-index anchor link bug

I was working on a client’s website and I discovered this strange bug in Internet Explorer that I am unable to reproduce ( too lazy to go through all the effort ), but I swear, it’s the strangest bug I have ever seen. Basically, I have a bunch of links that are set as ‘display:block’… Continue reading IE z-index anchor link bug

Categorized as Technology

Can’t use “type” as a database column name in Ruby on Rails

I was writing some Ruby on Rails code the other day, and one of my column, which I had named “type”, was not saving. After some googling, apparently you can’t name your database column “type”. The word “type” is part of the magic field names, so it is reserved. I thought this is kind of… Continue reading Can’t use “type” as a database column name in Ruby on Rails

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