Quickbooks Alternative

Quickbooks online is stupid because it does not even support firefox. Not to mention, it cost a lot of money to buy. Luckily for you, my company is building an alternative product called WorkingPoint – A online accounting software. We are a great quickbooks alternative, freshbooks alternative, and netsuite alternative. I hate quickbooks. I also… Continue reading Quickbooks Alternative

Categorized as Technology

Rails scaffold and references

Using the keyword “references” in my rails scaffold command usually gives me errors, and I think this is the reason why. Following up on one of my favorite rails tutorial: AkitaOnRails I run the command ./script/generate scaffold Comment post:references body:text and the scaffold generator will create something like this in my views/new html file. <%=… Continue reading Rails scaffold and references

Categorized as Technology

HTC Touch Pro versus iPhone 3G

HTC Touch Pro – slow as hell, small screen, shitty battery life, slow GPS, quiet speakers, what apps??? iPhone – faster, bigger screen, better battery life, very responsive GPS, loud speakers, more apps than you want I had the HTC Touch Pro from Sprint for about 4 months. I was super annoyingly slow, and the… Continue reading HTC Touch Pro versus iPhone 3G

Categorized as Technology

How Gmail AJAX works

First they show you the inbox, then in the background they use a POST request and load all your mail messages ( the mail body ) in as a JSON. That is how they are able to let you jump instantaneously from your inbox to your mail messages without any delay. I used Firebug to… Continue reading How Gmail AJAX works

Categorized as Technology

IE empty div has height

If you are scratching your head wondering why an empty DIV in IE has height, or why the height you specified for a DIV in IE does not come out as expected, here are the possible solutions: font-size: 0; line-height: 0; undo zoom: 1; Although you can use zoom: 1 to trigger hasLayout, if this… Continue reading IE empty div has height

Categorized as Technology

Liquid Forms Suck

My definition of a liquid form is a web form that stretches as the user resizes their browser. Or a form that is sized according to a design, and not the length of the input it will accept. I have been working with liquid forms for a couple of weeks now, and I am writing… Continue reading Liquid Forms Suck

Categorized as Technology

IE7 Table Width

I had a problem with IE7 not respecting TD width. For example, I would do something like this: <td style=”width: 20px”></td> But IE7 would completely ignore the width in favor of showing even columns. This was extremely frustrating, and it had nothing to do with my CSS because it worked fine in Firefox. Finally I… Continue reading IE7 Table Width

Categorized as Technology