Medicare is confusing

I’ve been trying to help my mom with her medicare and this shit is damn confusing. You’d think since it’s made for seniors, they’d make it as simple as possible. But it’s not. The worst part is, most people who are supposed to be knowledgeable to help seniors with this stuff cannot answers the questions… Continue reading Medicare is confusing


First off, I find it ridiculous some people are just NOW complaining about the government spying on them. This shit is so old news, Jesus was alive when it happened. PBS has been running documentaries on it for years now and everyone knows there is an entire ATT building in San Francisco dedicated to spying… Continue reading NSA TSA and NRA

I didn’t get the job

A long time ago I interviewed for a programming job, they gave me a programming task to complete. Here was my implementation: They didn’t offer me the job. My feelings were hurt.

bikini atoll

Watching a documentary on this very interesting place. Don’t want to forget it. Beautiful tropical island you say? Let’s blow it up with a nuclear bomb…

How to play any video format with the AppleTV 3 from the command line

I finally bit the bullet and bought an ATV3 after nearly a year of holding out and trying other media players (Google TV, WD, Roku). I finally caved and bought the ATV3 because of how seamlessly it is integrated into all the other Apple products: iPhone, iPad. Surprisingly, the one thing that the ATV3 does… Continue reading How to play any video format with the AppleTV 3 from the command line

I am afriad of blogging

Does anyone ever feel that what they write in their blog is too controversial and might get them in trouble? I do… That’s why I don’t write in my blog that much anymore. Almost every time I sit down to write something, I end up deleting it because I get scared that what I just… Continue reading I am afriad of blogging