I need a job

Just as I start to enjoy my freelance / contractor life, the reality of this shitty economy creeps up on me. Every day I wake up and the Dow has slipped past yet another threshold, jobless claims grow, and more companies announce massive layoffs. For the first time, in a long time, I am really… Continue reading I need a job

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Wash your hands

The results of this study is very surprising, considering how many times I have seen men walk out of the bathroom without detouring to the sink. With all the grunting that some men do while at the urinal, you’d think at the very least they’d want to dry their hands before heading outside… Study: Women… Continue reading Wash your hands

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My fruity website

Yesterday I officially launched this new fruity blog. I found this design after searching hopelessly for hours. I wanted something “earthy” and fun. This design fits that criteria, but the rainbow in the background makes it oh so gay… ( nothing wrong with that… ) Anyways… The new design is due to my transition from… Continue reading My fruity website

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Sick again

Something is seriously wrong with me. I have been sick at least 5 times this past year. Normally I get sick about once a year, around the flu season. But this year, I get sick whether it’s 50 degrees or 100 degrees outside. Chills are like the worst thing. When I stand up, the chills… Continue reading Sick again

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People I am jealous of

1) People who have garages – A lot of great companies began in a garage. All my life, I have never had the privilege to live in a house with a garage. 2) Software crackers – Ever since high school, I have always wanted to be a cracker. Reverse engineering anything is awesome. Damn my… Continue reading People I am jealous of

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The Gilroy Garlic Festival

Lately certain “individuals” have complained that my blog is too negative, and that is it more like a “rant”. So in an effort to be positive, I will only speak about he “positive” aspects of the Gilroy Garlic Festival. Hrmmm… Where do I begin?…. So the shaved-ice we bought at the Garlic Festival is awesome.… Continue reading The Gilroy Garlic Festival

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Why gays don’t go extinct

Just as I finished my last posting, I found this article. Why gays don’t go extinct This is pretty funny because I have ALWAYS wondered how homosexuality, if hereditary, can survive. Of course I am speaking strictly from an evolutionary scientist point of view. Basically they are saying that if you are gay, your sister… Continue reading Why gays don’t go extinct

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Santa Cruz Mystery Spot

The biggest mystery about the Santa Cruz Mystery Spot is why there were so many Indians there… Indians from India, not Native Americans… Seriously, the entire place was PACKED with Indians… I have never seen so many Indians in one place before. Is there like a special buzz going around the Indian community about the… Continue reading Santa Cruz Mystery Spot

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Make me crinkle my nose

Colbie Caillat – Bubbly I’ve been awake for a while now You make me feel like a child now ‘Cause every time I see your bubbly face I get the tinglies in a silly place It starts in my toes Makes me crinkle / wrinkle my nose Wherever it goes I always know That you… Continue reading Make me crinkle my nose

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Salman Rushdie Hot Wife

Have you seen Padma Lakshmi?? Shes pretty damn hot. Now find a picture of Salman Rushdie and tell me he’s not the luckiest dude in the world (besides me of course :)). Shoot, who knew writing could get you arse… I read one of Rushdie’s book in High School – Haroun and the sea of… Continue reading Salman Rushdie Hot Wife

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