Fedex Tracking

The other day I ordered something shipped via FedEx 2 days shipping. Here is how they shipped my package.       If you map that, you can see that my package took a round trip around the US. I have a hard time believing that this is the most efficient route for the package.… Continue reading Fedex Tracking

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I hate Groupon

Two reasons 1) It makes me wife treat shopping for travel like she shops for clothes. “Oh look honey, it’s a two for one deal. I have to buy it!” 2) You are forced to pre-plan your life. I am a spur of the moment kind of guy. The idea of pre-paying for something I… Continue reading I hate Groupon

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Your Breakthrough Hour

Today I saw something on Sunday morning televangelist TV that I thought was just absolutely appalling. It was the “YOUR BREAKTHROUGH HOUR”. If you look at their website, you will notice that they are soliciting a donation, or whatever the heck it is, for absolutely nothing. I saw a couple minutes of the… Continue reading Your Breakthrough Hour

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costs the taxpayer

On the local news, they are constantly reminding us how much it “costs the taxpayer”. Raids of the occupy protests, costs of building roads, prisons, social programs, court fees, etc… To be fair, maybe they should also remind viewers how much something “benefited the taxpayer”. Public parks, free education, clean air and water, social safety… Continue reading costs the taxpayer

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Eating rice noodles give me a stomach ache

Eating rice noodles give me a stomach ache. Not poo in your pants stomachache. Knot in your stomach kind. Anyone else ever had this problem?

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How to make Margin Call better

I keep thinking about the movie I saw last night, “Margin Call”, and how it could have been so much better. While the movie was very well done, I feel that it could have done a better job at storytelling. I would consider myself as someone who has an above average understanding of the financial… Continue reading How to make Margin Call better

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Consumer Protection Agency

Yesterday on the radio they were interviewing a couple of people who have donated money to the Herman Cain campaign. It blew my mind that these people said they have donated upwards of $1000, and were thinking of donating more. One person even said that if it turns out he IS guilty of sexual harassment,… Continue reading Consumer Protection Agency

Love of Country

When I went to Vietnam for three weeks, it made me realize how much I “love” America. We have it really really really really good here. Clean environment, good public safety, ample education opportunities, and plenty of good paying jobs. So when I read stories like this:,0,1327960.premiumvideo It makes me sad. Also, one… Continue reading Love of Country

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