Yahoo mail is terrible

I’ve been using Yahoo Mail the last couple of days, and that shit is so terrible, I had to write this blog post about it. 1. It’s slow as snail — Something is definitely wrong with the javascript engine on yahoo mail. Clicking between folders is significantly laggy and sometimes it just bugs out and… Continue reading Yahoo mail is terrible

Bill and Melinda Gates commencement speech at Stanford You don’t even have to leave your computer to see that people have no idea what poverty and suffering looks like outside of our borders. Go to a liberal new source like: reddit, nytimes, npr, etc.. and read the comment section of stories about the new influx of illegal minors crossing the border. You… Continue reading Bill and Melinda Gates commencement speech at Stanford

The power of prayers

One thing that I miss about being religious is having the option to pray. For non-religious people, the act of praying may look awfully weird. Like a child writing a Christmas wish list to Santa Claus. But that’s not how I experienced prayers. It was more like having a quiet moment to sit down and… Continue reading The power of prayers

TypeError: can’t convert ActiveSupport::Duration into time interval

Timeout::timeout(6.hours){} TypeError: can’t convert ActiveSupport::Duration into time interval One of those stupid bugs that shows up in one environment, but not the other. Both environments are running the exact same version of Ruby (1.8.7), Rails (2.3.4), and ActiveSupport (2.3.4) The confusing thing is, on the environment where that works, this does NOT: sleep(6.hours) Which is… Continue reading TypeError: can’t convert ActiveSupport::Duration into time interval

Rails SSL – certificate verify failed

Woke up one morning to find the outbound ssl connections my app (Ubuntu / Apache2 / Ruby on Rails) was trying to make, are no longer working (it was working just fine yesterday) with the following errors: OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError: SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed It took a frustrating couple of… Continue reading Rails SSL – certificate verify failed

Categorized as Technology

Google pays ransom

It’s very interesting to look at the list of groups that google donates their money to: On this list are both left and right foundations, as well as democrat and republican congress members. There are many groups on this list that I find absolutely disgusting: Heritage Foundation, Ted Cruz, Texas Public Policy Foundation, etc… But… Continue reading Google pays ransom

PSA: You can not load multiple Temporary Cards into an American Express Serve Account

Just found out that you can not buy multiple temporary American Express Serve card from CVS and load them into one American Express Serve Card. You actually can’t even load them in if you already have a Serve account. Those Temporary Cards are basically just Credit Cards with a one time option to convert them… Continue reading PSA: You can not load multiple Temporary Cards into an American Express Serve Account