experiment gone awry

The other day, while I was browsing the net I found a guy who claims he was making like $500 a month doing adsense firefox referrals. Being the go-getter idiot that I am, I decided I have to try it because it doesn’t seem that hard. So off I went experimenting with the idea and… Continue reading experiment gone awry

the sky is falling

Ok, not really, but the stock market is… So what should you do?? buy buy buy. :lol: You know that old adage, “buy low, sell high”, well what better time to buy low than when prices are plummeting? You can rest assured that the American ego, and American greed will bring the prices swinging back… Continue reading the sky is falling

as the world turns

Today on NPR they had the mayors of two US cities talking about how they tried so hard to court Toyota to build a plant in their city. While US automobile companies are paying $100K to their employees to leave the job, Japanese companies are getting the red carpet treatment from US workers. In a… Continue reading as the world turns

teacher goes to jail

I stumbled on this today, and I just could not believe it. Being someone who is always around young teachers, this story really sparked my interest. I have not heard of this case on the news, and that surprises me. But anyways, this story is absolute amazing. Teacher goes to jail over pornography Being a… Continue reading teacher goes to jail


I don’t remember much about Vietnam, but there is one thing that is clear in my mind. It was an early lunar new year morning. I remember my dad waking up before the sun came up and went outside to our big cement yard to light firecrackers. I can’t remember the scenery because it was… Continue reading firecrackers

somewhere over the rainbow

I got Uyen some tulips for V-Day. I like tulips. They look like white peaches, if white peaches were flowers. Speaking of white peaches, white peaches are good… :lol: We went to Frank Fat, a Chinese restaurant in Sacramento, for dinner. Let me declare right here, right now, that they had the best Chinese food… Continue reading somewhere over the rainbow

taking poison

Almost every other day, at around 12pm, I leave my cubicle world to go get some poison to ingest. I drive down to the local poison center and speak through the little confession box, telling the person on the other side what brand of poison I want, and how much of it I want. We… Continue reading taking poison

good work derek

This is a picture of my buddy Susan taken by Derek. It makes her look amazing. ( Although she does look good normally too :lol: ) This photo brings out a lot of colors and an awkward expression that just seems so life like. When I look at this photo it reminds me of the… Continue reading good work derek

mr pham

Whenever I am driving in my little car, and the music is on loud, I can briefly close my eyes to day dream about what life could be. In my day dream I am sitting on leather seats in my brand new BMW M3. I am wearing an expensive dry cleaned suit. My hair is… Continue reading mr pham