Obama is a donkey

I don’t mean to be disrespectful or offensive, but President Obama is the equivalent of a poker donkey. A fish. A noob. He’s the poker player that sits down at a table and plays the first hand dealt to him. He calls every bet and raise, because he doesn’t know how to wait for a… Continue reading Obama is a donkey

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Daniel Ellsberg

The other day I caught an amazing documentary about the Pentagon Papers and Watergate. Most Dangerous Man in America Without knowing much about the man, other than what I learned in this documentary, I have to add Daniel Ellsberg to my list of heroes. I don’t want to explain the story here because I suck… Continue reading Daniel Ellsberg

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Death of a soldier

Although I am very removed from military life, I don’t even have any friends in the military, every time I hear a story on NPR about soldiers abroad, it makes me feel really sad and angry. It’s really depressing and tragic how these young kids die doing something they have very little control over and… Continue reading Death of a soldier

Categorized as Politics

School budget cuts

Here is why education budget cuts, and teacher unions, are a lose-lose for everyone involved. Because of a budget deficit, the crooks at the capitol decides to slash school funding At schools, teachers are laid off, and programs are cut — beginning with non-essential classes like Music and PE. Now the PE and Music teachers… Continue reading School budget cuts

Categorized as Politics

Questioning the Military

I am not sure why I was watching the local news channel, but I caught a segment of this story. It’s about Navy Seals who are in trouble for allegedly punching a “terrorist” in the stomach. Anyways. They polled Sacramentans and the newscaster guessed that something like 90% of people were upset that the courts are… Continue reading Questioning the Military

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Meg Whitman is crazy

In all honestly, I do not know enough about this woman to say she is crazy. But I just saw 6 of her commercials attacking Steve Poizner, in 30 minutes of “My name is Earl”. That is a crap load of commercials, and a crap load of money she’s got there. Not only that, the messages… Continue reading Meg Whitman is crazy

Categorized as Politics

Dear President Obama

I am happy that you got elected. It’s nice to see an intelligent person in control, rather than a team of retards. Although, I must say, I am rather not fond of your long winded speeches. Many people are impressed by your oratory skills, I’d prefer it if you cut the crap and get to… Continue reading Dear President Obama

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