paper or plastic

That’s what the people at Nugget always say to me. I always look at them and think to myself, “damn, I should have brought my own bag.” I recommended that in my WiKi ( which you should read and learn something ), but I never practice it myself. Recently, stories of San Francisco trying to… Continue reading paper or plastic

wiping your butt

The other day I came up with a brilliant idea on how to make lots of money, FAST! I ran the idea by my girlfriend and I was hugely hugely hugely disappointed (trust me, I was so excited thinking about the idea when I was driving). My idea was basically to build a network of… Continue reading wiping your butt

I would not make a good matyr

Because I hate confrontations. I hate the idea of pointing out problems or my dislikes to someone I don’t completely trust. It makes me feel vulnerable and childish. But today I had to do it. You see, my boss, he always makes comments that I find offensive. He would say things like “Christians are brainwashed”… Continue reading I would not make a good matyr

best morning of my life

I won the lottery!!!! Ok, not really. I was watching that trucker guy hold his big check and I thought I saw myself hold it, but it wasn’t me because I didn’t even buy a ticket. But anyways, I don’t need to win the lottery to have the best morning of my life. :wink: I… Continue reading best morning of my life

experiment gone awry

The other day, while I was browsing the net I found a guy who claims he was making like $500 a month doing adsense firefox referrals. Being the go-getter idiot that I am, I decided I have to try it because it doesn’t seem that hard. So off I went experimenting with the idea and… Continue reading experiment gone awry

the sky is falling

Ok, not really, but the stock market is… So what should you do?? buy buy buy. :lol: You know that old adage, “buy low, sell high”, well what better time to buy low than when prices are plummeting? You can rest assured that the American ego, and American greed will bring the prices swinging back… Continue reading the sky is falling

as the world turns

Today on NPR they had the mayors of two US cities talking about how they tried so hard to court Toyota to build a plant in their city. While US automobile companies are paying $100K to their employees to leave the job, Japanese companies are getting the red carpet treatment from US workers. In a… Continue reading as the world turns

teacher goes to jail

I stumbled on this today, and I just could not believe it. Being someone who is always around young teachers, this story really sparked my interest. I have not heard of this case on the news, and that surprises me. But anyways, this story is absolute amazing. Teacher goes to jail over pornography Being a… Continue reading teacher goes to jail